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Thursday, September 17, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
The race
The race
Watching quietly from over the barrier, as the runners leap over the shakey hurdles trying to push themself closer and closer to the finish line. Squash splish splash, all you can hear as the runners urge closer to the end. The mud made it harder and harder to run. Footprints of the runner’s vibrant trainers are left behind on the disgusting uneven mud. The mud is as choppy as a wave crashing on a beach's sandy shore. Suddenly something catches my eye. A little boy is running after the racers trying to catch up. “YAY” the crowd cheers!!
Further, in the distance, the trees sway as if they were cheering for all the runners. WOOSH. The autumn wind shakes the barriers as if they were vegetables getting pulled out of the ground by a farmer. Inside the doorway, people stand to get shelter from the strong frosty wind. Rattle Rattle the green roof shakes as the wind quickly goes past. The weather is not good for the race. The winds blow and pull hair plus hair on and off their faces consistently. Anxiously the crowd waits, they try to cheer but their voices get drowned out by the tremendous howl of the wind.
Like lions jumping for their prey, the runners soar over the worn-down hurdles. Thud. The runner’s trainers land on the hard terrain below the mud. This race will be amazing as everyone cheers for the hard-working runners. Like a million bugs climbing up your legs the mud slowly creeps up the legs of the sweaty runners. Silently the crowd watches as the runners agilely jump over the hurdles and down to the gooey disgusting slippery mud. sweat runs down their body as if it was raining heavily over them. Like sticky delicious icing coating, a cupcake mud gets smeared over their neon-colored trainers as they sprint towards the end of the race, again and again, they swiftly run and jump over the shakey dangerous hurdles. The runners try to push themself closer and closer to the finish line. At the end of the day, they all finished and their parents were so proud of them.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
losing winning lotto ticket
losing winning lotto ticket🎟
Ring Ring!!!!!! My alarm clock suddenly goes off. This is going to be the best day of my life. I finally saved up the right amount of money to go on the tropical cruise ship that I wanted to go on since 10 weeks ago when I heard about it on the radio channel at the office that I work at. It was really early in the morning the sun was rising over the beautiful horizon. I had to wake up early because the cruise left in AAAAHHHH I just noticed the time It was 3:00 and the cruise left at 3:30 it would take 20 minutes to get there so I had ten minutes to get ready I threw everything I thought that I would need into a suitcase and left the room. Then got into my car and drove away.
“WAIT”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I shouted.I need to get on that cruise ship. I managed to get on the ship in time before it had departed from the docks. I finally got checked into my room and went to lie down on my bed. OOOCCHH I sat on the TV remote and suddenly the TV turned on. BREAKING NEWS one person won the jackpot off $50,0000000000000000 in the lotto the numbers are 10547 who will get the jackpot money today. RING A DING DING RING A DING DING. My phone went off. It was my husband who was unable to come on the cruise because we did not have enough money. I picked the phone up and answered. “We did it we actually did it we won the lotto,” he shouted
“What do you mean,” I replied
“They just called out the numbers that were on the lotto ticket that you bought yesterday,” he said. He was right. I reached into my pocket and there was the lotto ticket with the numbers 10547 written clearly on it. Suddenly the cruise ship stopped and we arrived but I did not want to get off. I needed to go back to New Zealand so we could get our $50,0000000000000000 lotto prize money so I hid my suitcase under the bed and cramped myself into the large empty wardrobe. Finally, we got back to NZ. I got off the cruise after everyone so I would not be noticed. WOOSH NOOOOOOOOOO my lotto ticket just flew out of my cleansed fist into the air.
Sprinting after it I jumped in the air but missed it. I kept searching and searching. Then it got darker and darker by the minute then there it was right there dangling off of the stem of the lamp post I went to check the number and it said a little smudged 10547 I found it my lotto ticket was back. Then I saw a taxi. I paid the driver and told him to take me to the place where they were giving the lotto ticket prize as fast as possible. Then he grabbed my hand and snatched the lotto ticket out of my hand and then we crashed. And now I am here with a broken leg it was sad I did not manage to find the lotto ticket out the man who stole it but they believed me because on my phone I had a picture of me and in the background on the wall was the lotto ticket with the numbers 10547 on it so they gave me the jackpot money of $50,0000000000000000.
2 days later… There was someone at the door DING DONG DING DONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the police they came and knocked on the door we opened it and there they had it they had the lotto ticket. They explained that they had caught the robber by tracking down the gps satellite image that he used to get to the place where they were handing out the money so he went to jail, and they became rich and lived happily ever after until they ran out of money and became broke.
Learning Intention: W.a.l.t to conduct, observe and record experiments Hypothesis/Prediction: (What do you think will happen?) ...
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