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Monday, July 27, 2020
Why we should save animals by Anika and I
The Queen's corgi ssw
The Queen's corgi
DING DONG “that was the doorbell” exclaimed the Queen from her room. The next minute one of the guards came up to her room and laid a package in front of her on the top it said CAREFUL LIVE ANIMAL the Queen thought what could this be then a note caught her eye it said to the Queen from a king form a far land the queen knew it was official because it had a royal crest on it when the Queen opened it she saw a miniature, baby puppy staring up at her it was a little corgi her favorite type of dog. She had the sweetest brown eyes in the world. “Perfect she’s perfect,” the Queen said “What are you going to name her,” one of the royal guards said “Mabey princess,” said the Queen. “That’s a perfect name for this little bundle of joy.
Then the Queen sent one of her guards to the pet store to get the most expensive pet equipment in the world then she sent another to the royal post office to see where the letter was from so she could send back a thank you letter. While the Queen was waiting for her guards she spent quality time with princess and soon princess became her favorite dog that she owned. After playing with princess the guards arrived and one went upstairs and asked the Queen “where do you want us to put this” the Queen replied “in my royal sweet” “but you never let the dogs in your royal sweet especially not the new dogs” said the guard. “Well, are you going to do as I say I have become very attached to princess and I want her to be with me at all times now hurry along” exclaimed the Queen. It is not fair to the other dogs it’s not FAIR this was all that was going through the guard’s mind as he walked up the stairs into the Queen’s royal sweet he loved princess but he also loved the other dogs the same amount. He thought the Queen was being unfair to the other dogs because if they ever stepped a foot in that room they would get standard kibble and not royal kibble.
Finally, after two days the queen introduced the other dogs to princess. They were so confused. Where did this dog come from, what was their name, was it a girl or boy, where has it been these past few days? Why did they just show up so they started to talk and found out that her name was princess she was a girl she was three months old and that she has been in the castle spending quality time with the Queen. All the dogs were jealous of the attention princess was getting. the Queen almost forgot about them. Since princess was the Queen’s favorite whenever she did something naughty like break one of her antique glasses, pots, bowls, and maybe even some very expensive items it was all blamed on the other dogs never princess it was like the dogs were not important to the Queen and they were just there. “We need to make a planed this has gone on for long enough,” the oldest dog said “but how can we do that,” another dog said “we run away but not too far just far enough so the Queen realizes were gone and starts to miss our company so that we can be remembered again then we all go back and be the top dogs” the oldest dog replied.
Whow Whow it was night time the owls were chirping loudly as the dogs prepared to escape the palace they decided to go in groups of two so if one of them got captured the other could save them but there was an uneven amount of dogs so the youngest was forced to go alone by all the older dogs that did not trust him to save them. In the palace, they always used to call him names and never let him come with them but they pulled him along this time because they were planning to leave him for the pound to catch him. But little did they know that without him it would be the end of them. So they ventured off into the pitch-black of the night it was silent then suddenly the youngest whose name was pip heard something it was quite faint but he felt scared he hoped it was not a human so he turned the corner and realized he had bumped into some of the other dogs. They forced him away and told him to go a different way.
That was all the other dogs said Pip.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Bartering is what people used to get supplies before money was created. They used to do things like this “I will give you two logs if you give me five carrots”. But the trades have to be fair and equal otherwise the other person might not agree with your trade. For example, a liter of milk might not have the same value as one dozen bananas, one pound of cement, or one hour of hard work and labor on a hot or freezing cold day on a farm on a farm. Another example is that someone could ask another farmer to trade a pound of peaches for a pound of bananas or apples that would be an example of fair trade. Some trades might be fair or unfair. The most common things that were traded were livestock like sheep, cows, chickens, and pigs crops like apples and carrots were also very high in the battering system.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
The day I traded my sister for a pet puppy
The day I traded my sister for a pet puppy
“YAY,” I screamed. My friend had just gotten the cutest little german shepherd ever. It was so cute. But my friend was sad I asked her “what’s wrong’’
“I have to give my dog back to the shelter if I can not care for her properly,” she replied. Then I will have no one to play with. I knew why she was sad now because her parents were always at work and she had no siblings. Then the best Idea just popped into my head. It was the greatest, most excellent idea that I had had since yesterday! “I will trade my sister for your puppy,’’ I said.
She was not sure so I had to do some convincing. I put it this way “I would be able to take care of the puppy and you would have someone to play with” I said. I did not want to tell her that my sister would just sit in the same spot ignoring everyone and playing on her phone and ask for food like she does all the time. Then she said yes before I could say thank you she lifted the puppy and put her in my arms. Then she left to go home. Before she left I gave my sister to her. she did not even care because she was on her phone. After a few minutes of playing with the puppy, I thought of the perfect name. Her name was going to be hero because she was the hero that saved me from spending the rest of my life with my sister. Creak “oh no,” I said quietly to myself my dad just got home. My dad stepped into the room and said “why is it so quiet”
“Where is your sister?”
“Well she went on a walk,” I said
“is that right because I would imagine she would not even step outside” my dad replied”
“ yes,” I told him.
Suddenly hero came into the room and licked my dad’s leg
“where did this dog come from” he shouted
“well, you see” I did not want to tell the truth but I thought it was the best thing to do. “ I traded my sister for my friend’s pet german shepherd puppy,” I blurted out hoping I would not get in trouble. He yelled“go get your sister back from your friend now.” Before I could say anything he picked up the hero put her in my arms and pushed me out the door. After 5 minutes of walking, I finally reached her house. I rang the doorbell and she opened the door and I told her “ please give my sister back my dad is furious with me and I need her back you can keep your dog just give me my sister back.”
“No, I can not do that,” she replied
“Why,” I said back to her.
“I traded her for a pet hamster and food and a cage for it so I can properly take care of it.”
“Well, take your dog back, give me the hamster and the address of your friend’s house,” I said in a very annoyed tone of voice.
So off I was again down the street to Lucy’s house. Knock Knock. Lucy’s parents opened the door and did not care about what I was going to say they were just so happy to have their pet hamster back. After they calmed down a little I asked her where my sister is. Guess what they sold my sister for a designer clock. Here I go again down the street across the road to Milly’s house.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
This is my prediction Map for making slime with glue and borax
This is my Analyse Map for making slime with glue and borax
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Learning Intention: W.a.l.t to conduct, observe and record experiments Hypothesis/Prediction: (What do you think will happen?) ...
Pepeha Ko Halsey drive te Kura Ko Hillsborough kainga inaianei Ko Puketapapa toku maunga Ko Manukau tok...
The Present Description Hunched forward with his eyes glued to the screen, the boy’s eyes looked as if they were made of t...